How many developers do you need for a startup

| 6 Minutes

Are you interested in knowing how many developers a startup requires? There are many viable answers to that question, read on to find which is a valid one

How many developers do you need for a startup


Establishing a startup from scratch can be challenging. Software developers are an essential component of any startup. In the current digital era, every business needs to have a strong technological foundation in order to compete in today’s market. Technology is required to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of a business in all aspects, including but not limited to marketing a product and delivering customer support. Although some aspects of product development can be accomplished using no-code tools, the demand for developers has not decreased and will continue to exist and is not going away anytime soon. The process of assembling an optimal and cost-effective workforce can be challenging for any company, particularly for startups. Not only is it crucial to hire developers who are efficient and skilled, but it is also essential to know how many personnel you need in order to create a good working atmosphere, maintain productivity, and prevent burnout.

This question has a simple and straightforward answer, i.e., to write an effective piece of code to establish a firm, one qualified engineer is more than sufficient. The main drawback of starting any business with only one person is that things move slowly, and nobody else can step in to help if that person isn’t available. Most people would concur that a team of size one is sufficient to launch a startup, but it is also the least desirable team size you may choose. However, many entrepreneurs opt to run their startups alone, without any workers, for as long as they can in order to concentrate on growing their business while, of course, saving money. But for solopreneurs, market dynamics and a competitive landscape might be challenging. It’s also possible that you’ll realize that you can’t do everything by yourself a little too late.

The question about how many developers do you need for a startup, unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question, and it is highly subjective; it is largely dependent on the size and complexity of your product. The market competitiveness in your industry. The timeline you have in mind for launching your product, among many other things. This blog delves deeper into the number of developers required by a startup.

Let’s look at some of tithe factors that affect the number of developers you need for a startup

While developing the MVP model

The minimal viable product (MVP) is the simplest realization of your idea, comprising only those functions that are absolutely crucial to its success. A minimum viable product (MVP) will assist you in testing your startup concept prior to its debut. To better understand early adopters’ mindsets and reactions to your product, MVP is a great tool to use. An MVP product helps a startup test a product’s marketability. Utilizing techniques such as surveys and one-on-one interviews, it is possible to get information on the consumer’s opinion of a project. It’s the MVP that startups display to possible investors or VCs. MVP also encourages teams to think modestly at first, act swiftly, and finally iterate often. MVPs are utilized to reduce production costs while gathering crucial information about the end product. If your company is in the MVP phase, you should only need one or two developers. There is no reason to invest in a development team at this stage of your startup, as nothing is finalized.

Product market fit

Finding a product-market fit for your idea is the most important step in the development phase of a startup’s life, and many entrepreneurs think they have product-market fit and move on, or they skip product-market fit and go straight to scaling. To get your idea off the ground, you’ll need a small team of developers to help you test and refine it until it catches on. As it is difficult to find product-market fit in parallel, the number of developers who can propel the product forward is limited, say 1 or 2. In fact, if you hire too many developers, you may end up spending more money and tying up more of their time with unnecessary tasks. Do not scale before attaining product-market fit; otherwise, too many developers will focus on unimportant tasks rather than the only thing that matters: product market fit.

Scaling your product

Once you have identified the appropriate market for your product, you must begin scaling it. In this stage, you intend to develop alpha and beta versions of your application. To begin with, you must first determine what’s the scale of your application will be. Whether the project will be a small, mid-sized, or a big project

The number of developers in your team will depend heavily on the scale of the project, but in general, it should consist of two to three developers. When you have multiple developers on staff, you can have them discuss ideas and double-check each other’s work.

For big projects, the simplest way to deal with this is to divide your project into separate microservices from the start. And split up into teams to tackle each module individually. Taking into account that one or two developers can write a module, you can estimate how many developers will be needed to complete all the separate modules.

Product optimization phase

Product optimization is the last stage in developing your startup’s initial offering. Now that a sizable portion of your target audience is using or can buy your startup’s product. Your product’s potential for growth may have been exhausted. You have no choice but to concentrate on issue fixes, cost reductions, and maintaining a steady stream of revenue. At this stage, you’ll need a few developers.


If you’re a startup with limited funds, you know how crucial it is to hire the right number of developers. Having a sufficient number of developers ensures a more efficient workflow. If you have too few developers, your project will go at a snail’s pace, whereas if you have too many, you’ll waste money and cause delays. The number of developers that your startup needs can be determined based on the development phases, its size, complexity, budget, time frame, and more.

If you are a startup and are unsure how many developers you will need, or unable to find a software development partner, or require an on-demand developer for your startup, why not take a look at the highly proficient software developers at Sparity? Our team of developers are highly skilled and up-to-date on all the latest technologies. You can easily collaborate with our developers by emailing us your initial software project requirements. We will provide you with developers or a team of developers based on your initial request and get your startup rolling with no delays.


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