Enhanced Patient Engagement and Satisfaction using AI

Enhanced Patient Engagement and Satisfaction using AI

John David

A leading healthcare provider in the US who is committed to improving patient care and experience was planning to build a next-gen platform to deliver patient-centric care. Sparity helped them build an application that enables patients to schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments conveniently and quickly through self-service and consult doctor via video/audio call.

Client: Healthcare

Services: App Development,AI

Year: 2022

Key Challenges

  • The client needed an application where patients can seamlessly book or cancel online appointments both (Audio/Video)
  • The client also wanted to support their patients on the channel of their choice – both voice and text – and transition between channels depending on their needs  ​
  • The newly developed application should be able to work on browsers as well as mobile devices



  • Sparity developed an application with a virtual waiting room (VWR) for connecting the doctor and patient through video and audio modes.
  • Also built a chatbot which is integrated to the newly developed application.
  • With the help of a chatbot, patients can now access all kinds of health support including medication advice, prescription refills, test results, and tasks such as scheduling an appointment
  • Chatbot equipped with strong ML recommendation models was able to handle frequent queries much quicker and keep patients updated.​


  • Our client experienced a 20% increase in appointment attendance by sending out reminders and obtaining confirmations
  • Reduced waiting period of patients by providing 24/7 patient service with automated calls, messages at low operational costs
  • Our solution saved more than 20hrs per month of doctor’s time to efficiently use it for better patient care rather than focus on support tasks
  • Increased patient satisfaction with faster, easier appointment scheduling
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