70% of all technology infrastructure will be cloud-based within two to three years.

70% of all technology infrastructure will be cloud-based within two to three years.

As organizations try to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of their customers and the rapid development of new technologies, the transition to the cloud has emerged as a key strategic objective. With Cloud Computing Becoming the Industry Standard, The Hackett Group Releases a New Study That Measures the Economic Benefits of Going Digital in More Ways Than One. These benefits include reduced costs, quicker time to market, and better cybersecurity. This press release offers some insights from the study conducted by The Hackett Group®, which surveyed over 1,000 businesses and analyzed over 2,500 migrated apps across 15 different categories, discovering that 70% of all technology infrastructure will be cloud-based within two to three years.

Source: The Hackett Group

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