Digital transformation: Don’t be a follower
Digital transformation can be challenging, and a successful digital transformation necessitates clear vision and creative thinking, but according to a Boston Consulting Group study, 70% of digital transformations fall short of their objectives, resulting in lost time, money, and organizational effort, as well as falling behind competitors in innovation, customer engagement, and technology.
Poor outcomes are common
Almost every large organization has a digital transformation program, yet many of them fail. Even successful leaders are frequently dissatisfied with their overall progress. Consider a company that deploys new software for more efficient data management. It’s a start in the right direction, but it’s not a complete turnaround. Implementation is only part of the digital transformation. To put it simply, what happens next is crucial.
The role of the IT department
While the IT department must play a key role in any digital transformation effort, they should not be the sole drivers of the transition. IT departments are already stretched thin; there is a lot expected of IT teams, and even experienced IT workers may not have a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of it.
Second-guess your approach
Digital transformation is not always rooted in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation. To ensure success, it is important to second-guess your approach and think about data integration, not system integration. Don’t think too far outside the box, and keep it simple by answering questions such as how to simplify core business processes. Get realistic about unrealistic deadlines, as they can put you in a box, what you really need is the freedom to think creatively. Set deadlines but remain realistic about the true impact they’ll have on your project and organization, and Don’t tie your success to deadlines.
More than 80% of American businesses surveyed by KPMG International Limited in 2020 expect to or are already investing in cutting-edge technology, including cybersecurity, hybrid cloud, and smart analytics. There has been an increase in the number of initiatives aimed at facilitating digital transformation, but it is essential to not lose sight of the end goal. To stay the course and accomplish your transformation objectives, you must have a defined method and system for measuring your progress.
Source: enterprisersproject
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